American Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities


In 1968 a small group of presidents serving independent colleges caucused at a convention. Beset by government encroachment, intensifying competition by public universities, and an atmosphere of student rebellion, they started an organization… Read More

Meet the President

2023 Annual Retreat

AAPICU Annual President's Retreat. Save the date. February 23-24, 2023. Scottsdale Resort and McCormick Ranch

We are pleased to announce the Annual President’s Retreat will be held in person February 23-24, 2023 at the Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch.

We invite you to Join Us to learn from and connect with presidents from independent colleges and universities throughout the country.  Association membership is required to attend this Retreat.

Renew your membership or sign up as a first-time member and then register for the retreat.

© 2021 AAPICU